Discover the Heart of Durazzo Pizzeria

At Durazzo Pizzeria, we pride ourselves on delivering authentic, quality dishes that satisfy your cravings. Enjoy pizza, pasta, and salads crafted with care in a relaxing atmosphere.

Absolutely delightful food and service!



Delicious Dishes

Explore our gallery showcasing quality meals and delightful experiences.

cooked food on round white ceramic plate
cooked food on round white ceramic plate
a pizza with cheese and basil
a pizza with cheese and basil

Delicious Dishes

Explore our gallery showcasing quality meals and delightful experiences.

cooked food on round white ceramic plate
cooked food on round white ceramic plate
a pizza with cheese and basil
a pizza with cheese and basil
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Durazzo Pizzeria consistently delivers delicious meals that keep me coming back for more every time!

John Doe

a woman holding a stuffed animal up in the air
a woman holding a stuffed animal up in the air

The pizza and pasta are always fresh and flavorful, making every visit a delightful experience!

Jane Smith

a restaurant with tables and chairs in front of it
a restaurant with tables and chairs in front of it